Deliverable D4.3: Test results
Abtract: This deliverable presents WORTECS overall Proof of Concept (PoC), Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) provides by Oledcomm (OLD) and pureLiFi (PLF), Fibre Wireless Fiber proposes by University of Oxford (OXF) and Radio Frequency (RF) link defines by IHP (IHP). These different links are managed by Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) board achieved by IHP. Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality (MR) use case will be shown with the help of Video Converter (VC) board and Virtual Reality content from B<>COM (BCM). Propagation model first results will be also proposed by university of Las Palmas (ULP). The main issue of this document is to define the PoC main features and present prototypes V1 test results.
Deliverable D4.3: wortecs-d4.3_test-results
Deliverable D4.2: Radio communication prototype
Abtract: This deliverable presents the parts needed for demonstrating the radio system functionality, envisioned in the WORTECS project. Two radio demonstrators are planned. The first one should use 60 GHz analog frontends, due to unavailability of the 240 GHz frontends. The second should use 240 GHz analog frontends and reuse the baseband and MAC processor functionalities from the first demonstrator. In this deliverable the simulation results as well as the hardware in the loop results for the developed multi-gigabit baseband processor are shown. Further the implementation details of the developed real-time radio communication system are given. This deliverable also describes the HetNet system intended to be used in conjunction with the radio system and finally the Arctic Sea virtual reality platform is described.
Deliverable D4.2: wortecs-d4.2-radio-communication-prototype
Deliverable D4.4: Users’ test acceptance
Abtract:This deliverable studies the impact of the technological choices made on the first demonstrator on the user experiment. It present the results of tens of users that experiment the system in various conditions, in order to “quantify” the degradation this demo setup introduces compared to the reference VR setup.
Deliverable D4.4: wortecs-d4.4-users-test-acceptance
Deliverable D5.6: Standardisation: Plans and Update – Year 2
Abtract:This report outlines the WP5 deliverable D5.6 and original tasks within this deliverable. A progress update on the tasks and new plans are detailed based on the periodic physical meetings. The action taken since the last review in November 2018 are presented along with the standardisation plan for the current review period (2018-2019). The contributions from the current period are detailed and a new plan for the third review period is presented.
Deliverable D5.6: wortecs-d5.6-standardisation-plan_period-ii
Deliverable D5.5: Dissemination: Plans and Update – Year 2
Abtract:This report outlines the WP5 deliverable D5.5 and original tasks within this deliverable. A progress update on the tasks and new plans are detailed based on the periodic physical meetings. The action taken since the last review in November 2018 are presented along with the dissemination plan for the current review period (2018-2019). The contributions from the current period are detailed and a new plan for the third review period is presented.
Deliverable D5.5: wortecs-d5.5-dissemination-plan_period-ii
Deliverable D4.1: Optical wireless communication prototype
Abtract:This deliverable describes the general architecture of the optical wireless communication (OWC) and fiber wireless fiber (FWF) prototypes with a focus on their different building blocks and interfaces. An instructions manual is also provided for both prototypes to give guidelines on how to interface them with the rest of the WORTECS system and how to safely operate them.
Deliverable D4.1: wortecs-d4.1-optical-wireless-prototype
Deliverable D3.3: Hybrid Network architecture for Tbps transmission and associated metrics definition for radio interface selection
Abtract:This deliverable introduces the major solutions to integration heterogeneous technologies into a single network. We show major challenges of future ultra-high data rate networks and discuss various solutions to integrate these technologies.
Deliverable D3.3: wortecs-d3.3-hybrid-network-and-radio-metrics-definition
Deliverable D5.2: Standardisation Efforts
Abtract: This report outlines the standardisation Efforts.
Deliverable D5.2: wortecs-d5.2-standardisation-plan
Deliverable D5.1: Dissemination: Plans and Update
Abtract:This report outlines the WP5 deliverable D5.1 and original tasks within this deliverable. A progress update on the tasks and new plans are detailed based on the periodic physical meetings.
Deliverable D5.1: wortecs-d5.1-dissemination-plan
Deliverable D3.2: Common Analog and Digital Baseband Design for Flexible Radio and Optical Transceiver
Abtract:This deliverable focuses especially on radio and optical transmissions. The main issue of this document is to try to find a common architecture between the radio and optical transmitter in order to mutualize as much as possible the implementation.
Starting from the analysis of the propagation channel characteristics of both systems, we argue about the choice of the modulation format when also taking into account some material constraints issued from the hardware components. Then, Tx and Rx description and limitations of analog radio and optical parts are pointed out before describing the main elements composing the radio and optical baseband system physical layer. In conclusion, we propose three main possibilities for mutualizing the radio and optical transmitter platforms.
Deliverable D3.2: wortecs-d3.2-common-analog-and-digital-baseband-design-for-flexible-radio-and-optical-transceiver.pdf
Deliverable D3.1: Gbps wireless radio and Gbps wireless optical communications
Abtract:This deliverable will focus on the following items for research in data transmission technology focusing virtual reality use-case:
- Specifications and performance evaluation of a Gbps radio system (radio analog/digital and baseband processing),
- Specifications and performance evaluation of a Gbps optical wireless communication (OWC) system (optical/digital and baseband processing),
- Common Gbps radio and OWC modem architecture definition with control selection.
- Global architecture for V1 demonstrator,
- Scenario to be implemented (video format, SoTA about VR equipment including protocols)
- Optical transmission (throughput objectives, technology choices, simulations performance, link budget, latency estimation, HW targeted board, potential risks, dataflow interconnection)
- Radio transmission (throughput objectives, technology choices, simulations performance, link budget, latency estimation, HW targeted board, potential risks, dataflow interconnection)
- Common optical/radio components (potential common architecture)
- MAC layer issues (Protocol description, implementation, latency constraints, potential risks, dataflow interconnection)
- Video processing
- Conclusion/perspectives (synthesis and global architecture view)
Deliverable D3.1: wortecs_d3.1_gbps-radio-and-owc.pdf
Deliverable D2.1a: Situation of THz spectrum in Europe
Abtract: In this deliverable, an overview of radio / optical spectrum above 90GHz in Europe is presented. Regulation situation and high level propagation characteristics in these bands (mainly for the radio case) are analysed in order to select spectrum of interest for WORTECS system studies and proof of concepts.
Deliverable D2.1a: wortecs_d2.1a_situation_of_thz_spectrum_in_europe.pdf
Deliverable D2.2: Use cases and Requirements
Abtract: In this deliverable, WORTECS use cases and related key performances indicators / requirements are presented. Three main “Tbit/s” scenarios have been defined in order to drive theoretical studies and implementation of proofs of concepts: Virtual Reality, Enterprise communications / Virtual office and Stadium / Open-Air Festival / Themes Parks.
Deliverable D2.2: wortecs_d2.2_use_cases_and_requirements.pdf
Deliverable D2.3: Focus on Virtual Reality
Abtract: In this deliverable, we study the current state of the Virtual Reality industry and analyse the potential evolution of the technology. We then explain why WORTECS objectives of high bandwidth and low latency wireless transmission are necessary and invaluable for developing the full potential of multiuser high quality Virtual Reality.
Deliverable D2.3: wortecs_d2.3a_focus_on_virtual_reality.pdf
Publications in Journals and Conference Proceedings
Thibault Grillon, Camilo Valencia-Estrada, Jorge García-Márquez, Alejandro Espinoza-Garcia, and Bastien Béchadergue, “Freeform geometrical optics II: From parameteric representation to CAD/CAM”, Applied Optics, Vol. 58, No. 34, pp. 9465-9472, 2019. [Online]. Available: link to come
Camilo Valencia-Estrada, and Jorge García-Márquez, “Principles of freeform geometrical optics I: Foundations”, Applied Optics, Vol. 58, No. 34, pp. 9455-9464, 2019. [Online]. Available:
Orange Expert paper (December 2018) “Drivers & Key challenges of immersive applications for Future Networks” : executive_summary_networks4immersiveservices_v1.0-1
WORTECS Poster: wortecs_poster_v2.pdf
ICT’18, St. Malo, 26 June 2018, THz communication and its potential for beyond 5G networks – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kürner – Keynote Speech, “TERAHERTZ COMMUNICATIONS: A KEY ENABLING TECHNOLOGY FOR BEYOND 5G“, Josep Miquel Jornet, Ph.D. – Department of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
IEEE Photonics Webinar, Feb. 21, 2018, Optical Wireless Systems: Technology, Trends and Applications, Ton Koonen, IPI, ECO group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Events, Conferences and Presentations
Title | Authors | conference/ magazine/ journal | Related WP |
Terabit per Second Optical Wireless Links for Virtual Reality Technology (Link) | Olivier Bouchet, Marc Lanoiselée, Dominic O’Brien, Ravinder Singh, Mir Ghoraishi, Rafael Perez , Víctor Guerra, Suat Topsu, and Jorge Garcia-Marquez | SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference 2018 | WP3/WP4 |
Spatial Interpolation of Optical Wireless Impulse Responses | Victor Guerra, Julio Rufo, Jose Rabadan, and Rafael Perez-Jimenez | CSNDSP Conference 2018 | WP3/WP4 |
Wideband 240 GHz Transmitter and Receiver in BiCMOS Technology with 25 Gbit/s Data Rate | M. H. Eissa, A. Malignaggi, R.Wang, M. Elkhouly, K. Schmalz, A. C. Ulusoy and D. Kissinger | Journal of solid state circuits (JSSC) | WP3/WP4 |
Noise Performance of Orthogonal RF Beamforming for Millimetre Wave Massive MIMO Communication Systems | Krishna Tiwari, John Thompson and Eckhard Grass | WCSP Conference 2018 | WP3/WP4 |
European H2020 Project WORTECS Wireless Mixed Reality Prototyping (Link) | Olivier Bouchet, Dominic O’Brien, Ravinder Singh, Grahame Faulkner, Mir Ghoraishi, Jorge Garcia-Marquez, Guillaume Vercasson, Marcin Brzozowski and Vladica Sark | ICISPC 2019, Singapore | WP5 |
Suitability of Optical Wireless Communication receivers for Virtual Reality Applications | Victor Guerra, Jose Rabadan and Rafael Perez-Jimenes | ConTEL 2019. Graz, Austria | WP3 |
Beyond terabit/s WDM optical wireless transmission using wavelength-transparent beam tracking and steering (Link) | Y Hong, F Feng, KRH Bottrill, N Taengnoi, R Singh, G Faulkner, DCO O’Brien, P Petropoulos | Optical Society of America, OFC 2020. San Deigo, California, USA | WP4 |
Collaboration Activities & Other Dissemination Actions
H2020 Collaborative projects
DREAM: D-band Radio solution Enabling up to 100 Gbps reconfigurable Approach for Meshed beyond 5G network.
Web site:
TERRANOVA: Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G.
Web site:
EPIC: Enabling Practical Wireless Tb/s Communications with Next Generation Channel Coding.
Web site:
ULTRAWAVE: Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave Traveling Wave Tubes.
Web site:
TERAPOD: Terahertz based ultra high bandwidth wireless access networks.
Web site:
Car2TERA: Eyes and Ears for the car of the future.
Web site: